
«O`zneftgazinformatika» отCharter of the Joint Stock Company "O`zneftgazinformatika" dated 23.06.2022. 

This Charter is the new edition of the earlier Charter of Open Joint Stock Company "O’ZNEFTGAZINFORMATIKA" registered by Decision of the Khokim of Mirzo-Ulugbek district of the city of Tashkent on 20.08.2003, under No. 1248 of Charter of Open Joint-Stock Company “KIVS” as amended by general meetings of shareholders dd 30.04.2004, 04.10.2006, 07.02.2008, 26.05.2008, 25.09.2009, 25.12.2009, 15.06.2010, 18.04.2011, 24.06.2011, 28.06.2012.

Download Charter (.pdf 289KB)

Addition to the Charter 2015 in uzb. (.pdf 42KB) 

Addition to the Charter 2016 in uzb. (.pdf 135KB)

Addition to the Charter 2019 in uzb. (.pdf 88KB)

The charter of the new edition with changes and additions as of 26.06.2020. in uzb (.doc 293KB)